Getting Started With Video Production For Your Business

Okay, so you have to hire someone to get a video made for your company. Where do you start? That’s a great question. With the sea of information out there, it can be tough to navigate and find the right answers. But we’re here to help steady and steer your ship through those crashing waves.

  1. Know Your Goal

    The first thing I’d recommend is knowing why you are creating a video (or series of videos). What’s your end goal in this? Is it to recruit better talent, sell a product, explain a process, raise awareness, there’s so many different reasons why you could be creating your video. If you don’t know your goal, make sure you hire a video team that will help you figure that out. And a good one will do that pretty quickly. Once you know your goal, also know there is one huge mistake businesses make when creating video. The general rule of thumb is to have one goal per video. You don’t want to be trying to accomplish five different things at once, because then you’ll muddy the water, and your audience won’t know what you’re trying to communicate with them.

  2. Find The Right Video Company For You

    So, now you have your goal. You just have to find the people that are going to make this video happen. And not just any random people, but someone who is going to understand your goals and actually make something that is going to help you. This is where we get the most frustrated about the industry. So many companies are wasting money on videos because they aren’t being seen, they aren’t helping a company do what they actually want to do, and the company in some cases is spending tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. It’s usually not anyones fault. It’s more because of a lack of knowledge. Sometime the video companies just don’t know what questions to ask or how to execute an effective video. We’ve all been there at some point. It’s a learning process. If you’re in a pinch, a couple quick ideas to find a video company is to search on Google and find a video business with good reviews or ask another business owner or marketing team who they’ve used and what kind of results they’ve seen. There’s a lot to say on finding the right video company, so you can read more here.

  3. Budget

    This will be one of the first things that a video company will ask you about. Some will do a video for less than $2500, some won’t do anything for less than $10K. So it’s important to know what kind of range you are in. This is where lots of business owners, marketing teams, and people like yourself could have some sticker shock on projects. Usually if you want to do a video right, it will be an investment. This is where some people panic and find the coworkers husband or brother that is a solo videographer that usually shoots weddings but can probably figure it out. It’s so easy when you are thrown off by cost to fall into this trap and many others like it, but just give yourself a moment to breathe and relax… we will give you some ways of saving money and lowering your video costs. But, I promise that you will get the video you pay for.

This is just a high level view of some things you need to get started when hiring for video. We touch on these things in more details in our other articles, so definitely read those if you want to learn more. We understand that hiring a video company can be overwhelming, and finding the right people to make a video for you can be a tough decision. We’re here to help navigate those tumultuous waters. Even if we’re not the right fit for you, we are super happy to help point you in the right direction. We just want to see people getting value from their investment into the video world.


Finding The Right Video Company For You